Strong Rumor: 2015 Mustang IRS Confirmed With Photos

There is no doubt that for us the 2015 Mustang will be the hottest story of the next year. Rumors abound, and speculation (even by us) is mostly what we have to go on. We’ve brought you plenty of leaked secrets, artist renderings, and our own opinions and wish lists about what the next generation Mustang should be. This week we can add a little more to that growing pile, none of which will be completely confirmed until the Blue Oval decides that we’re worthy of knowing, and let’s the new horse out of the barn.

Recently a few photos seemed to have found their way out of the 2015 Mustang development stable and onto the internet. These photos, which were posted on Jalopnik, are rumored to be of a 2015 Mustang test mule, wearing some 2013 Mustang sheet metal as a disguise. What is interesting, and noticeable is what appears to be confirmation of independent rear suspension.

We saw spy photos online last year that speculated this as well, but these shots of a car on the lift appear to confirm it with certainty. Since we know that 2014 is the last year for the current S197 Mustang there is no reason we can think of for Ford to test an IRS system on a Mustang unless they intend to use it on the car’s next iteration, especially since it’s more than a little late to be releasing a special edition car with the system on the current platform.

The other photo we have is the latest rendering from the guys at Car and Driver. The CD rendering appears to be heavily EVOS based while still retaining many Mustang cues. The rear quarters, long hood, short deck, rear window, and roof line are all classic Mustang cues that have been there pretty much since 1964. The lower half of the front fascia as well appears to take design cues from the last 25-plus years with a look that started with the 1987 aero body design of the Mustang GT, and has evolved ever since.

Obviously no one outside of Ford’s development team can confirm any of this for us, and those guys aren’t talking. As always we’ll continue to bring you the latest news and rumors of our favorite pony car as we find them.

About the author

Don Creason

Don Creason is an automotive journalist with passions that lie from everything classic, all the way to modern muscle. Experienced tech writer, and all around car aficionado, Don's love for both cars and writing makes him the perfect addition to the Power Automedia team of experts.
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