Florida Teen Wins Brand New Mustang For Good Grades

The Ford Mustang has always been a popular high school student ride, though most kids would be happy to have any old hooptie to get them around. That said, school is more about getting good grades than being popular, and often times successful students are more focused on acing the next test than worrying about what they’ll drive to college.

Thanks to her good grades, Sierra Coffman is the proud new owner of a 2014 Ford Mustang V6 Convertible, reports The Ledger. At an annual contest awarding exceptional students, Coffman pulled out the right pair of keys, awarding her the coolest new ride on campus.

The contest was held by Bartow Ford, which for the past 20 years has given away an estimated $500,000 worth of Ford vehicles to local honors students from George Jenkins High School. Coffman was one of 19 students who qualified for the contest, which was held at the dealership. She was the second person to get to pick out a key, and when she turned it she thought she might of won, but the door didn’t open.

It wasn’t until watching another five students take their turns that Coffman realized she had turned the key the wrong way, and asked for a second shot with her key. Sure enough when turned the right way it opened the door to her brand new Mustang. “”I still can’t believe it because I’m 17 and I have a $35,000 car. It’s ridiculous,” Coffman said in an interview with The Ledger.

This is proof that good grades pay off in more than one way. If there was a chance to win a brand new Mustang, would you have worked harder in school?


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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